Thursday, May 7, 2009

Parvati and Lakshmi in Highlands Square

I drove down to Highlands again to show the apartment. It's a long drive from Boulder. The guy loved it. Hopefully he will put in an application. It is a cute place; it does have value. I feel bad that the former resident, Ken, had to move because I raised the rent, and then now that I'm not going to do more renovations because it just costs so damn much and the mortgage is underwater and I'm unsure if I even WANT to pay the mortgage because my daughter needs special education attention, I had to lower the rent a bit and after all this and spending $1000 in fix up I'm going to get back an extra $35 a month. And all this driving back and forth. Sometimes I think the universe really loves to play tricks on me. But now I am thinking that things are getting easier. Parvati and Lakshmi tell me to just hang in there. It's all an illusion. You have nothing left to lose, so just be free and happy. It's all going to be fine, and you have found definite, strong, secure faith because of all this.
Yes, that's all I have. Faith. When everything falls away, you uncover your true Self, and it's found through pure faith.
I like my little rental. I will keep paying the mortgage. What does it all matter anyway? It's just an actor's job.
People are still signing up for my e-courses, I'm excited about a new web designer and working with Mary to focus on publishing. I love the clarity and I love just running errands and being with my kids. No pressure to save up millions and hoard cash and real estate. Just play the game, stay in the energy of Parvati and Lakshmi in this playful universe. All is well. As long as you are doing what your heart desires and following the dharma, there is nothing to be done.

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