Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dream of Mermaid and a the Crushing Train

I had a dream a few nights ago in which I had a little gypsy-like wagon and it was driven by this Viking-type woman with glowing orange, fluorescent hair. Another car was let in a gate, but she wasn't. So she was then found on a ship, as if waiting it out, and at the bow she was struggling with ropes with great determination to bring this orange-fluorescent mermaid to the boat. Then she got word she could go forward with her cart, and she chugged along a train track. Her little dog slipped out the left side, and then a huge train/machine came and just rolled right over her wagon. It was smashed to pieces, and she rolled under the train.

So I figured that was life coming at me, smashing me to pieces. Like the Speer basement flooding. That is being handled by Tom, thank GOD. Because I bought some Rum and Coke and since I'm not Jesus there is only so much I can take! So the family does want to live there, but wrote up a special amendment to the property and they are going to get started maintaining it, etc. And Tom cleaned it up and the carpets are now cleaned and it looks %100 percent better and the former tenant I guess had broken the window so she fixed it! Yay!

An e-course participant thought my dream was about my spirit, that I can get crushed physically, but my work, my dreams and stories and soul, as the dog escaping ahead out the side, is intact and what really matters. And true, I read in one of my Twitter feeds that the true measure of success is how much joy you feel. And I felt so much joy today, at my son's fifth grade graduation ceremony. I enjoyed being with community, his friend's parents, as we had breakfast together and I hung around to talk and help clean up. Then it was home to pick up a few garden flowers as teacher gifts, and what joy to be among plants and flowering beautifully on a gorgeous spring day. Just a few weeks ago the crab apple tree in the back yard was radiantly in full bloom, as were the lilacs, filling the house with gorgeous aroma. How sweet the fullness of spring. And it was sweet to see the last of my son's teacher, who I have had a secret crush on this whole year. I had my daughter give him a little rose plant. He's Italian and I thought that would be nice. Perhaps he will even get a message in it! But I am always to shy to ever act.
And then it was to picnic in my daughter's class. Then back home to do a little work, and walk my dog in the mountains again. And to look up and see the blue sky and bright white cloud and see the radiance of joy and life. That is truly wonderful.

It's funny, because I thought about emailing my lawyer a hello, that I missed talking to him, not really about Justin, but in general. I figured he thought I was a kook with my history and case, so I refrained from saying hello or sending him my new head shot. But I should have because.....

I got the mail before I head back to school with more plants and gifts for the specials teachers and for my daughter to say goodbye to her favorite teacher. Notices of the publishing of sale in the paper for foreclosure on the property. Justin lied. He lied about curing the default. I told my lawyer we needed proof! And now what to do. It makes me sick but I don't think about it. The Queen of Bohemia does not let things upset her. She does not resort to writing nasty text messages or anything that she is thinking about because she knows that stuff is just rot. It rots you in the core. So she releases it to her lawyer. And she still rejoices in the day, and the rain now, as long as it doesn't pour into the basement unit at Speer. Life can just steam roll over her again and again, but her spirit is unscathed.

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