Friday, June 19, 2009

The Queen of Bohemia is Half Goat and Half Fish

I hiked up the mountain behind my house again this afternoon with my dog, Sergeant Pepe. I am most certainly acquired the powers of the mermaid, the makarasana, half fish, half animal or bird. Goats and llamas. Quezalcoatle, half serpent and half bird, and the mermaid, half fish and half beautiful Siren.
I hiked up the mountain and I proclaimed myself The Queen of Bohemia, and I paused, and looked at all the beauty. I felt at one with Shiva, as if I were Parvati participating through my body. The wind blowing the gentle reeds along the path down the mountain.
I knew that all of what I have written in the past is past. It is over. It's just a story now. And I do not dwell. So The Queen of Bohemia left all her sorrow and tragedies and story behind, ran down the mountain and crossed over the creek at the bottom. The creek was lined thick with the reeds, so the path was hard to see, but Pepe led the way, as the Queen found her way to the water.
She crossed over and proclaimed that she lives only in the present and the world view is one of optimism and joy. Like in fairy tales, it all works out for the better.
That's what I expect. Like my dream last night, some women whose emphasis was their lovely brunette hair parted extremely at the side, one said. "To know that one is to live one's destiny."
I remember this flaming gypsy told me to not live my life but live my destiny. What is my destiny?
I like the idea of feeding children and helping women. And we'll see just how well the Queen of Bohemia manifests things, now that she realizes who she is. This half goat, half fish, the powers of the makarasana. Her life, the Capricorn that she is, so slow the perseverance to the top. Late in age, is she crowned her glory, and rests in the peace of her destiny.
She loves her little house, even though she doesn't own it. In fact, she always jokes that she owns three castles but doesn't live in any of them! I guess she likes to move around! And how much the Queen loves to be with her prince and princess, and tonight they are having a sleepover at the castle in front of the mountain and the Queen loves to play cook (for once.) Although she remembers her luxurious life when the King was alive, she does not regret the loss; she does not hold on. She let that all go. She does not feel fear or dread, like her mother, the sad, sick witch, instilled in her for so long. That spell is gone. The insecurity is gone, and what is in it's place is a sense of being held in the body. A relaxation do deep it engages everything around it through the body and the senses. It is in complete harmony with the environment and in the now. It is a different mother and she brings a grounded security. And the Queen is so grateful, for she knows that nothing else really matters. She knows you get to die and start all over again in some other star system of something or whatever you darn choose to create into reality, and so the Queen, she does.

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